The Woodlands was recently awarded just the 10th Monarch Champion City designation in North America. The Woodlands GREEN works closely with The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department on pollinator support programs that create habitat and educate the community. Find out more about how you can help pollinators by working with the GREEN and by taking simple steps in your own back yard.
Pollinator Support
Pollinators need your help
Pollinator populations have declined precipitously the past few decades. Currently, there are 74 pollinator species are on the federal Endangered Species list, including butterflies, bees, bats, moths, beetles, skippers and flies. In July 2022 the monarch butterfly was classified as “Endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Habitat loss and pesticide and herbicide use are the primary threats to pollinators. Climate change is a mounting factor, as well.
Considering that pollinators are essential to a functioning ecosystem, the reproduction of over 80% of all flowering plants and one in every three bites of food we eat, their protection is utmost importance.

Take action now
Get your hands dirty with the GREEN.
- Sign up for alerts on upcoming planting projects and bring the family and friends. You don’t need to be a member – everyone’s welcome
And please consider supporting the GREEN through membership, donation, or business sponsorship. Your funds go directly to programming.
4 Things You Can Do for Pollinators at Home
1. Plant for pollinators
- Every landscape, large or small, meadow to plant pot, can be a habitat. For help building your habitat, start with The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department – Plant for Pollinators.
- Plant native. Source your plants from one of our local native plant nurseries – see our Business Sponsor page. Great native plant options can be found at Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

- When considering layout, keep in mind that shape and density is more important than overall size. Areas that are dense, round, and close together are more effective than small, isolated patches. Create blocks of color with a high area to edge ratio.
- Plant so that some portion of your landscape is in bloom spring through fall.
- Select a site that’s removed from wind, has at least partial sun, and can provide water.
- Maintain a water source. Some pollinators hydrate via nectar; most need a water source. Creating one is simple…
- Spread a little soil or organic matter in the bottom of a dish or bird bath. This adds nutrients to the water.
- Add rocks or a pinecone to serve as a landing spot.
- Place the water source in a sunny, protected spot.
- Provide shelter. Allow dead branches and logs to remain as nesting sites.Leave areas of bare ground for ground-nesting bees and add wood nesting blocks for wood-nesting bees.More shelter ideas here.
Get $ back for your plantings, Woodlands Water Agency.

2. Eliminate pesticides
- Pesticides kill the good bugs with the bad ones. Check out the Pesticides Learning Center on the Pollinator Partnership website to learn more about the challenges of pesticides and pollinators.
- Control pests naturally. Solve your pest problems without harming pollinators.
- If you must use a pesticide, read and follow ALL label directions carefully.

3. Register your garden
- Join the hundreds of Woodlands residents who have registered their garden with The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department. Garden registry recognizes community members who’ve taken steps to protect pollinators. It also helps assess how well The Woodlands and surrounding areas are doing at increasing habitat.
4. Spread the word
- Get informed and inspire others.
- Speak up and let local, state and national leaders know that you care about pollinator health.
- Here are some great resources to build your knowledge base:
- Why Native Plants Matter, Audubon
- Pollinator Partnership
- Monarch Watch
- Butterfly Garden and Habitat Program, NABA
- Tracking Migrations and Seasons, Journey North