Going Green

Going GREEN Sustainability Lectures

Going GREEN Sustainability Lectures cover a wide range of environmental topics, one of the principal tenets of The Woodlands Community. Local and regional experts present the 4th Thursday of each month, September through May, in-person or on-line (check calendar for details). We encourage you to suggest a topic or speaker for an upcoming lecture. For more information or to add your name to our email notification list, click the button to connect with us.

Volunteers carrying black plastic bags
Women showing invasive plant species

Take Action - Invasive Task Force

The TREES are overwhelmingly the #1 reason cited by residents for moving to The Woodlands. But invasive plant species are outcompeting our most treasured resource. Find out how you can join the corps of volunteers [link] who are removing invasive species, protecting the forest and the wildlife that depend on it.

Invasive Task Force

The January 2018 Going Green Sustainability lecture “The Quiet Invasion” www.galvbayinvasives.org by Erin Kinney provided impetus for this TWG community ACTION project–to protect native vegetation in our green spaces. Of the more than 50 invasive plants in our region we elected to focus on the air potato vine Dioscorea bulbifera, an introduced native of tropical Asia (our most wanted list now includes Chinese Tallow and Japanese Climbing fern, as well)

We also joined forces with the Township Environmental Services Department and the Texas Invasives Institute to host volunteer trainings and create the Invasive Task Force, an all-volunteer corp. The joint project delivers more than 1000 hours each year. Volunteers can work as much or as little as they like: weekly, monthly, or even just once a year. Find out more about this incredibly rewarding and impactful program. Contact us today. (555) 555-6677 | info@thewoodlandsgreen.org

Take Action - Community Education

You can’t spell G.R.E.E.N. without Environmental Education. Sharing information and passion with others is at the heart of what we do. But we need help to connect with our large and diverse community. There are many ways to get involved with our educational efforts – you don’t need to be an expert or a teacher. Check here for opportunities to make a difference.

Volunteers carrying black plastic bags